Posts Tagged ‘experimental aircraft insurance’

First Flight Insurance Solutions

Monday, September 25th, 2017

Over a thousand hours of build time has gone into your aircraft. Many late nights out at the hangar and several seasons have passed, but the big day is finally here. Your pride and joy, your biggest accomplishment, is about to take its inaugural flight. Despite all your cross checks and due diligence, the nagging question is still in the back of your mind. Could something go wrong?

Many pilots mistakenly believe that there are no options for insurance coverage during the fly-off stage and settle for sub-par 3rd party liability programs. These programs do not include hull coverage, are limited in their available defense, have low property damage limits, and outdated bodily injury terms. While these programs are often the only option for non-registered aircraft, real aviation markets offer the best coverage for the majority of homebuilt aircraft.

From RVs to the Sonex, whether you’ve built a SeaRey or a Glasair, Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) has your first flight solution. AIR works with all the aviation insurance markets, therefore, offering many options for insuring your first flight risk. Your AIR agent will go over with you the terms of each option for the fly-off stage of flight. A majority of these policies include hull coverage and industry standard liability limits.

AIR also offers a builders and restorers insurance program, designed to protect the aircraft during the building or restoring stage regardless of pilot experience and qualifications. Customized with your needs in mind, this new insurance plan offers flexible liability and hull coverage options.

“As a friend of many aircraft builders and as a homebuilt owner myself, I cannot imagine the devastation of losing an aircraft after hundreds of hours of work,” said Jon Harden, president and founder of AIR. “Our affordable program is worth it just for the peace of mind.”

Peace of mind is exactly what the agents and pilots provide at Aviation Insurance Resources. So, before you weld another joint or place another rivet, contact the pilots and agents at AIR! Call 877-247-7767 or submit a quote online today!

Aircraft Spotlight: Insuring Glasair Aircraft

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Stoddard-Hamilton Aircraft Company was founded in 1979 as a manufacturer of kit airplanes, specifically the Glasair TD, which is a side by side, fiberglass airframe with conventional landing gear. The prototype was powered byGlasair an IO-360 engine and capable of 200 MPH cruise speeds and +6/-4 G ratings and roll rate of 140 degrees per second.  The Glasair model was the first kit to introduce pre-molded airframe sections, which greatly reduced the time required to complete a kit. The original Glasair branched out into 3 different gear configurations- a retractable, tri-gear, and tailwheel.

The company retired the original Glasair in 1989 in favor of the Glasair Super II, also available in retractable, tri-gear, and tailwheel configurations.  The airplane was very similar to the Glasair I but with some aerodynamic tweaks to achieve a 220 MPH cruise with the typical 200HP IO360 engine. Around the same time, Stodard Hamilton came out with the Glasair III, which is available only with retractable gear and designed for IO540, 300+ HP engines, although some builders choose to add turbocharged power plants, even a few were built with turbine engines.  A typical Glasair III cruises around 280 MPH or more at sea level. Glasair III’s with aerobatic modifications such as inverted oil/fuel and smoke systems have been used by airshow pilots, and performance-modified Glasairs commonly place in the top 5 in the Reno Air Races, including some first place finishes.

In the mid 1990’s, the company developed a high-wing kit plane, known as the GlaStar, to give customers looking for a more versatile option besides the high performance Glasair models.  In 2001 Stoddard-Hamilton was sold in bankruptcy and became the Glasair Aviation Company.  The GlaStar was developed into the Sportsman 2+2, a 4 seat version of the GlaStar available in tri-gear or tailwheel configurations typically powered by 180-210 HP engines.  The Sportsman is commonly fitted with tundra tires, STOL kits, or floats and perform well as bush planes..  The Sportsman can be built under the company’s “Two Weeks To Taxi” program, where perspective builders work at the Glasair factory side by side with Glasair employees to build their kit. After 2 weeks have a plane that is mostly complete and ready for interior and avionics. In 2012 the company was purchased by a Chinese business which intends to keep production in Arlington, WA and produce a certified LSA model for the American and Chinese training markets, while still producing the Sportsman and Glasair kits.  The Merlin LSA prototype first flew in 2014 with a 100HP Rotax engine and Dynon glass panel avionics.  The Glasair line offers pilots a more cost effective option looking for high performance, backcountry, or light-sport aircraft that are not available on the certified market.

Our Agents are Pilots

Victoria Neuville of Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) regularly flies a Glasair I RG alongside her husband Bob. Each weekend you can see them speeding to different airports along the east coast.

“The Glasair is a great cross country aircraft, it is fast and very responsive,” Victoria explained. “I love assisting future and current Glasair owners with their insurance. I know what companies are the most competitive for this type of experimental aircraft, because I have to shop for our Glasair insurance as well! At AIR, we even offer a low cost policy option for those building their Glasair or any other experimental project.”

Whether you are an experienced Glasair pilot or this is a transition aircraft for you, AIR has the insurance solution! The agents and pilots at AIR shop ALL of the major aircraft insurance markets competitive for the type of flying you do. To find out more about Glasair insurance please contact Aviation Insurance Resources by calling 877-247-7767 or visit today to receive complete and online aircraft insurance quote request!

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Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) Insures Lancair Owners and Builders

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

With 2,100 kits sold in more than 34 countries, Lancairs are known as the epitome of high performance experimental aircraft. With various models to fit any pilots’ needs, the all-composite LaLancairncair aircraft are sleek, fast, and most importantly, fun!

Two seat Lancair Aircraft

Founded by Lance Neibauer, the first Lancair prototype, the two seat Lancair 200, flew in 1984 and the kit entered production in 1985. This was soon followed by the Lancair 235 in 1986 with an extra boost of power and then came the Lancair 320 and 360 series.

These Lancair series are no longer in production. Pilots looking for a two seat Lancair featuring the speed they are known for need to look no further than the Legacy Aircraft series. The Lancair Legacy can be equipped with 210 or 310 horsepower engines and in a fixed gear or retractable gear configuration. Lancair Legacies boast speeds of 250mph while only burning 14 gallons per hour. For more daring pilots, the RG-550/R Lancair option is available for Sport and Super Sport Air Racing.

Four Seat Lancair Aircraft

Pilots looking for a four seat Lancair aircraft can opt for the Lancair ES, Lancair ES-P, the Lancair IV, Lancair IV-P and the Lancair Propjet. The Lancair ES is tricycle gear and reaches cruise speeds of 215mph with its 310hp engine. The ES-P features the same exhilarating speeds while offering a pressurized option. A twin turbocharged 350hp power engine and retractable gear help the Lancair IV and IP’s hit speeds of 253mph. A Lancair IV, N6ZQ, is currently pending a new speed record for its recent flight around the world in just over 24 days. Replace the engine with a 750 horse power Walter M601E turboprop engine and you will have the Lancair IV’s predecessor, the PropJet. Propjet pilots can fly far with cruise speeds of 375mph at flight levels and a climb rate of 4,000 feet per minute.

Lancair Evolution

Deserving a paragraph of its own is the Lancair Evolution. Built with certified aircraft standards in mind but with the speed Lancair is known for, the pressurized Evolution cruises at 345mph. With a stall speed of only 61 knots make handling a very powerful aircraft more safe.

Always Evolving

Lancair went certified in 1997 under a new company, Columbia, introducing the Columbia 300 in 1998. The Columbia 400 followed two years after with an all glass cockpit. Later, the aircraft was sold to Cessna and renamed the Cessna TTX.

Lancair Insurance

Whether you are a current Lancair owner, purchasing one or building one, Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) has the Lancair insurance solution for you:

Lancair Builders/Restorers Risk Insurance: AIR offers a builders and restorers insurance program designed to protect the aircraft during the building or restoring stage regardless of pilot experience and qualifications. Customized with your needs in mind, this new insurance plan offers flexible liability and hull coverage options.

Current and Potential Lancair Owners: The aircraft insurance experts at AIR shop all of the major aircraft insurance markets to provide Lancair owners with the best available rates. Just one phone call to AIR will save you both time and money!

To learn more about the Aviation Insurance Resources, please call 301-682-6200 or visit today to complete an online quote request! You can also follow AIR on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Google+.


Standard vs Experimental Aircraft: The Insurance Facts

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

When it comes to owning and operating an aircraft, understanding the insurance requirements is a critical part of the equation. Whether you’re flying a standard certified aircraft or an experimental model, there are distinct differences in how insurance companies assess risk, coverage options, and premiums. Knowing these differences can help you make informed decisions and avoid unexpected financial surprises.

standard vs exp


Understanding Standard Aircraft Insurance

Standard aircraft are those that are fully certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These include most commercial planes, private jets, and popular general aviation models like Cessna or Piper aircraft. Insurance companies generally view these aircraft as lower risk because they meet rigorous FAA safety and maintenance standards, and they often have a long track record of safe operation.

With standard aircraft, insurance coverage is relatively straightforward. Policies typically cover:

  • Liability Coverage: Protects against third-party claims in the event of property damage or bodily injury caused by the aircraft.
  • Hull Coverage: Covers the cost of repairing or replacing the aircraft if it’s damaged in an accident, theft, or other covered event.
  • Medical Payments: Provides coverage for medical expenses for passengers injured during a flight.

Premiums for standard aircraft are often more predictable, given the established safety records and the confidence insurers have in their reliability. However, even with a standard aircraft, certain factors—such as the age of the aircraft, pilot experience, and usage—can affect the cost of insurance.

Experimental Aircraft Insurance: A Different Ballgame

Experimental aircraft, on the other hand, are built by individuals rather than manufacturers and are not subject to the same FAA certification process as standard aircraft. This can include kit planes, amateur-built models, and certain one-of-a-kind aircraft. Due to the nature of their construction and the fact that many experimental aircraft lack the long operational history of standard models, insurers often consider them a higher risk.

Key differences in insurance for experimental aircraft include:

  • Higher Premiums: Because experimental aircraft may have more unpredictable performance and a limited safety track record, insurance rates tend to be higher. Insurers take into account the possibility of increased risk during the construction and initial operation phases.
  • Limited Coverage Options: Not all insurance companies are willing to provide coverage for experimental aircraft, and those that do may offer more limited coverage options, particularly for hull insurance. The cost of repairs can be difficult to estimate, and the availability of replacement parts may be limited.
  • Builder’s Insurance: For those building an experimental aircraft, some insurers offer policies that provide coverage during the construction phase. This can protect your investment in the materials and tools needed to complete the aircraft.

Safety Measures and Their Impact on Insurance

Whether you’re flying a standard or experimental aircraft, safety is always a top priority. One key factor that insurance companies consider when setting premiums is the presence of modern safety systems and equipment on your aircraft. These systems not only reduce the risk of accidents but can also lower your insurance costs by proving that you’ve taken extra precautions to ensure safe operation.

For example, installing an aircraft satellite communication system can play a significant role in improving safety. This system allows pilots to maintain constant communication with ground stations, providing real-time updates on weather conditions, air traffic, and emergency situations. Such systems are especially critical for long-distance or remote flying, where traditional communication channels may be limited. By keeping your aircraft connected at all times, these systems can help avoid potentially dangerous situations, which in turn can influence insurance companies to offer more favorable terms or lower premiums.

Other safety measures that can impact insurance rates include:

  • Advanced Avionics: Systems like GPS navigation, autopilot, and collision avoidance technology can enhance pilot awareness and reduce the likelihood of human error.
  • Regular Maintenance: Ensuring your aircraft undergoes regular, thorough maintenance inspections can demonstrate to insurers that your aircraft is in top condition, further lowering the perceived risk.
  • Pilot Training: For both standard and experimental aircraft, pilot experience and training are key factors in determining insurance rates. Insurers often look for advanced certifications, ongoing training, and flight experience in similar aircraft types to assess the pilot’s ability to safely operate the aircraft.

Making the Right Choice for Your Aircraft

When deciding between a standard or experimental aircraft, it’s essential to consider not only the upfront cost of the plane but also the long-term costs, including insurance. While experimental aircraft may offer a unique flying experience and the satisfaction of building something with your own hands, the higher insurance costs and limited coverage options should be factored into your decision.

For standard aircraft, the insurance process tends to be more straightforward, and the availability of coverage is more widespread.


Choosing the right type of aircraft is a personal decision that depends on your flying goals, experience, and budget. However, understanding the insurance implications of standard vs experimental aircraft is critical in making an informed decision. By taking proactive safety measures, staying up to date on maintenance, and installing advanced systems, you can not only improve the safety of your flights but also reduce your overall insurance costs.l

In the end, whether you’re flying a standard or experimental aircraft, prioritizing safety will always pay off—both in the air and when it comes to your insurance premiums.


To find out more about obtaining the best rate for your aircraft insurance, please contact Aviation Insurance Resources by calling 877-247-7767 or visit today to receive your free Aircraft insurance quote!

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