Toni Michaelson is quickly flying towards her private pilot certificate thanks to the help of Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) during the Women Fly it Forward event in Frederick, MD this March. Her excitement is contagious as she shares a photo from her most recent flight lesson:
“This is a photo my flight instructor, Brenda, took (I was actually flying the plane) during my 2nd flight lesson in Frederick, Maryland on Monday. After take-off, she had me head west towards the Appalachian Mountains and take the plane up to an altitude of 4500 feet. As we approached the mountains, there was an enormous bank of clouds lined up along the western slope, and we could see the Appalachian Trail at the ridgeline where the clouds stopped. It looked just like the rolling surf of an ocean, extending as far north and south as you could see. What a truly spectacular sight it was, especially since the clouds started to dissipate within 15 minutes of us flying over them. All I can say is that it was an absolutely amazing day to be up in the air!”
AIR is excited to be a part of Women Fly it Forward again in 2013 and looks forward to igniting more passion in future women pilots.
Aviation Insurance Resource specializes in a full range of aircraft, airplane & airport insurance to clients of all sizes. We are licensed in all 50 states. Get a free Aircraft insurance quote or contact us at 877-247-7767 for more information.
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