Posts Tagged ‘product liability insurance’

Aviation Manufacturer Product Liability

Monday, January 4th, 2016

While a majority of aircraft accidents are result of pilot error, occasionally a product defect is deemed the probable cause behind an aircraft accident or incident. Aircraft are intricate machines madeEngine up of thousands of parts, both stationary and moving. Besides large components such as the engine or landing gear, many small parts such as switches, valves, caps and even bolts can play a role in aircraft safety. If you supply or manufacture a component used in an aircraft, you may be held legally liable in the event of a claim. An aviation manufacturer product liability policy can protect your business’s financial interests.

Who may need product liability coverage?

Aircraft manufacturers, STC modification builders, avionics, instrument and interior manufactures are all at risk for product liability. If your company distributes or builds aircraft propellers, sheet metal, brakes, tires, lights, etc., it is important to look into product liability. Any business that is responsible for a component that ends up in an aircraft could be held liable in the event of a lawsuit.

Three types of risk

Not all aircraft products or manufacturers are alike. However, each share three types of risk in regards to their product:

Design defect – The complete line of products is inherently dangerous.

Manufacturing defect – The component falls short in being produced appropriately.

Failure to warn – The manufacture of the product did not provide substantial instructions and warnings on the correct use of the part.

Product Protection

An aviation manufacturer product liability policy will provide a defense in the case of property damage, bodily injury or the grounding of a fleet due to a product hazard. The aviation insurance specialists at Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) are dedicated to protecting your business and its future. AIR will guide you through the insurance process to provide you with peace of mind as your company serves the aviation industry. To learn more about aviation manufacturer product liability policies through Aviation Insurance Resources call 877-247-7767 or visit us online at today!

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