Reading Regional Airport (KRDG) in Reading, PA is home to one of the oldest continuously operated not-for-profit flying clubs in the United States. Officially founded in 1932 but with roots as early as 1929, the Reading Aero Club has been serving pilots for over eight decades. The clubhouse based on the west ramp of RDG does not resemble its predecessor at their original airfield which was dubbed by its first club members as the “chicken shack”. The modern day clubhouse serves as a location for meetings, social gatherings and a point of contact for aircraft rental. The area is bustling with the activity of 45 pilot members flying two flying club aircraft.
Reading Aero Club history shows the club starting out with two Curtiss-Wright Juniors, then ownership of a Travelair biplane and several Aeroncas. Today, two IFR equipped and meticulously maintained aircraft reside in the club’s hangar: a Piper Archer III and a Cessna 172SP.
The aircraft are available for use by flying club members at inexpensive rates for anything from day trips to instruction. Three member flight instructors are available for student pilots or for those adding on additional ratings. The flying club websites contains an excellent graphic showing student pilots the money they’ll save while flying with the Reading Aero Club versus a typical flight school.
The club has also been very active in giving back through volunteer flights with Angel Flight East, Veterans Airlift Command and Animal Rescue Flights. They are also involved in Reading’s World War II Weekend and Christmas in the air.
Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR)
Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR) has been assisting the Reading Aero Club with their flying club insurance needs for over 15 years. Offering flying club insurance to clubs of all sizes, AIR works with all the major markets to obtain the best rates at the broadest coverage available. Obtaining a quote for your flying club is as easy as calling 877-247-7767 or complete a flying club insurance quote form online today!
More on the Reading Aero Club
Pilots looking for a low cost flying option, while developing new friendships with others who share the same passion for aviation need to look no further than the Reading Aero Club. With over 80 years of continuous operation, joining the Reading Aero Club is joining a piece of aviation history. To learn more and to complete an online membership application visit To learn more about the unique history of this club visit the Berks history Center website.